Tagged: Running Shoes

This is our collection of articles on the Best Running Shoes. Our editorial Reviews are from a different angle than most usual reviews;
We look at Running Shoes from the runner’s foot condition and other health issues, in order to suggest the most appropriate shoe for the runner that fits this specific condition.

ASICS® Gel Kayano 31

ASICS Gel-Kayano 31 Shoes

The expected release date for the Asics Gel Kayano 31 is June 4, 2024. The Asics Kayano 31 will have the following new features and updates: Previous models of the Gel Kayano: The ASICS...

Best Running Shoes for Heavy Runners

Fat Men Running Shoes

Finding the right shoes and clothing if you are a bigger or heavy person is not always the easiest task, as most clothing and shoes only sometimes fit, and if they do fit, they...

Best Stability Running Shoes

Best Stability Running Shoes

Modern running shoes feature many fantastic designs and characteristics. A running shoe is your single most important piece of equipment as a runner. Therefore, a running shoe provides excellent support, flexibility, grip, and stability...